Terminal CP50

120717 CP50 335x274

The rugged CipherLab CP50 series is an industrial mobile computer designed with your mobile workforce in mind. Specifically created for field mobility, and the transportation and logistics industries, this handheld mobile computer will empower your workers to fulfill assigned tasks in harsh working environments.










• Mobilitatea fortei de munca
• Depozite
• Logistica/Transport

• Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5;
• Grad de protectie IP 65, cadera de la 1,5 m pe beton, 1000 rostogoliri de la 0.5 m;
• Comunicatii flexibile: 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth® V2.1, 3.8G HSPA+ cu GPS/AGPS;
• Optiuni multiple pentru reader - laser 1D, imager 2D sau 13,65 MHz RFID reader (optional);
• Camera interna autofocus 5 Mpixel;
• 2 GB memorie flash, 256 MB DRAM;
• Display QVGA LCD transreflectiv de 3,5";
• Pistol grip detasabil;
• Diverse optiuni de tastatura QWERTY.

Datasheet for Cipherlab CP50